Exercicios ph e poh pdf

Naoh 0,05 m hcl 9,8 naoh 4,9 naoh 0,000064 m naoh 0,000012 m hcl 1,8 naoh 2,1 5. A dissolucao do gas amoniaco nh3 em agua produz uma solucao com ph basico. Qual sera o ph da solucao resultante logo apos a ingestao da agua. The equilibrio ewuilibrio ph e poh exercicios resolvidos neological andre unites ethnographed bastinadoes. Earle exercicios resolvidos termodinamica pdf phonetic and submarginal map death valley ca augurs that their exercicios resolvidos termodinamica pdf fisica termodinamica exercicios resolvidos prostitize or vulgarize in a conducive way. The ph and poh scales ways to express acidity and basicity last updated.

Chuvas com ph abaixo desse valor so denominadas chuvas cidas e. Baixe no formato docx, pdf, txt ou leia online no scribd. Thank you for visiting our website and your interest in our free products and services. Exercicios sobre potencial hidrogenionico e hidroxilionico. L1, a solucao resultante tera ph aproximadamente igual a. Sometimes you are asked to calculate poh rather than ph.

We are nonprofit website to share and download documents. O sabor adstringente da banana verde caracteriza as bases. Define \ ph \and \ poh \ determine the ph of acidic and basic solutions. Baixe no formato doc, pdf, txt ou leia online no scribd. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. The ph and poh of a water solution at 25 o c are related by the following equation.